Abhilasha Joshi, PhD
Abhilasha is a systems neuroscientist and an Assistant Professor (Reader F) at the National Center for Biological Sciences in Bengaluru, India. She is a Simons Foundation Fellows to Faculty awardee. Her research focuses on studying the interactions between internal cognitive computations and ongoing actions during behavior. Her experimental approach involves combining large-scale electrophysiology, high-resolution videography, behavior, optogenetics, and computational analysis to understand the principles of cognitive-motor flexibility across organismal lifespan.

Academic Background

  • Abhilasha completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biology at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. She then earned her doctorate with Peter Somogyi and David Dupret at the University of Oxford. In her graduate work, she discovered the cellular, synaptic, and physiological properties of a specialized group of long-range projection neurons that coordinate rhythmic oscillatory activity in the hippocampus, a brain region critical for learning and memory.

During her doctoral studies, Abhilasha received a seed grant from the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Health initiative, enabling her to investigate the potential coupling between hippocampal rhythmic oscillations and locomotor stepping rhythm in mice.

During her doctoral studies, Abhilasha received a seed grant from the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Health initiative, enabling her to investigate the potential coupling between hippocampal rhythmic oscillations and locomotor stepping rhythm in mice.

Postdoctoral Research

  • For her postdoc, she moved to the University of California San Francisco to work with Loren Frank. Here, she developed an approach to monitor neural and behavioral information at fast timescales during behavior, using which they uncovered that hippocampal spatial representations are linked with locomotor steps during upcoming spatial decisions. She then joined Megan Carey’s group in Lisbon as a Visiting Scientist at the Center for the Unknown at Champalimaud Foundation.

    Awards and Recognitions
  • She has been the recipient of various awards and recognitions for her contributions to neuroscience, including the Peter and Patricia Gruber Award at the Society for Neuroscience, the Life Sciences Research Foundation postdoctoral fellowship, and the Healthy Aging Seed Award by the European Institute of Technology.

2023 The Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award, Society for Neuroscience (link)

2022 Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and Aging Brain Transition to Independence Award (link)

2020 – 2023   Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (link)

2017 Healthy Aging Seed Award, European Institute of Technology (link)

2015 Senior Hulme Scholarship for Academic Distinction, University of Oxford (link)

2015 Paton Prize for Research Excellence, University of Oxford (link)

2013 – 2016 Felix Scholarship – Full Funding to Pursue DPhil University of Oxford (link)

2008 – 2013 KVPY Fellowship – Full Funding to Pursue Dual BS-MS, Government of India (link)

2013 Biology Merit Award for Best Academic Performance, IISER Mohali (BS-MS) (YouTube link)

2013 S.N. Kaul Award for Best All-Round Performance, IISER Mohali (BS-MS) (YouTube link)

Talks and Interviews

2024 Stories of WiN (link)

2024 Early Career Spotlight by Journal of Experimental Biology (link)

2022 The Neurophysics of Locomotion (link)

2018 A Soupçon of SciComm with Abhilasha Joshi on how space and time are important in the organization of the brain (link)

2017 The Interview Portal: Neuroscience Researcher Interview (link)


2024 NCBS welcomes Abhilasha Joshi (link)

2023 Independence Fellow Abhilasha Joshi Receives Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award (link)

2023 अमेरिका में भारतीय मूल की न्यूरोसाइंटिस्ट को मिला बड़ा अवॉर्ड, मिलेगी इतनी धनराशि (link)

2023 Indian neuroscientist awarded Society of Neuroscience’s prestigious Early Career Award (link)

2022 California University medical fellow interacts with Islamia College students (link)


Society for Neuroscience - Member

Society for the Neural Control of Movement - Member

ALBA Network - Member

Project EduAccess - Mentor

Co-organized the NeuroFemIndia virtual talk series – aimed to showcase the work of and increase the visibility of Indian women neuroscientists working in India (link)

ECR-led collaborative group that created a resource document about concrete steps different actors in science can take to make academia kinder and humane (link)