Understanding the principles of cognitive-motor flexibility across organismal lifespan
As animals move in complex environments, higher-order cognitive computations in the hippocampus—a brain region critical for navigation—reflect an internal map of the external world. This map is represented by the firing of populations of neurons rhythmically at ~8Hz and corresponds to sequential spatial representations at, behind, or ahead of the actual location of the animal. At the same time, elsewhere in the brain, other multidimensional behavior-relevant variables are computed and represented. To navigate efficiently, the nervous system must appropriately connect these representations across distinct brain regions at timescales relevant to behavior.
At neuroACT, we aim to understand how internal cognitive computations dynamically engage with ongoing actions during complex behaviors and how these interactions alter with age. We use an interdisciplinary approach to address this challenge, combining insights from neuroscience, behavior, biomechanics, and computational methods.
Project 1:
Flexible interactions between internal neural representations and ongoing actions
Behavior is complex, and at any given moment, animals and humans integrate information across a wide variety of sensory modalities and internal neural computations. This project will aim to understand how these distinct streams of information flexibly interact with each other while an organism engages in complex behaviors. We will use large-scale electrophysiology to monitor the activity of individual neurons and field potential oscillations in specific brain regions, combine these with high-resolution video monitoring, and use advanced computational methods to infer the limits and dynamics of the interactions between cognitive and motor variables.
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Project 2:
Cognitive-motor interactions during aging
Aging is associated with an increased risk of developing both cognitive difficulties and gait abnormalities. In previous work with Frank lab, we discovered a precisely timed synchronization between hippocampal spatial representations and footfalls of rats as they approached upcoming spatial decisions. These results demonstrate the existence of a previously unknown coupling between central cognitive representations and peripheral motor processes that synchronize the two on a timescale of tens of milliseconds. Does the coupling between internal cognitive representations and ongoing locomotor processes break down with aging? Can we use the degree of representation-step synchronization as a biomarker of coherent brain function and intervene early to promote healthy aging? We will study neural computations, behavioral performance, and gait in animals as they age to uncover the fundamental interactions between cognition and action during healthy aging.
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Project 3:
Optogenetic manipulations to study directionality of information flow
Disruption experiments provide essential tools to determine causality in systems neuroscience. We will use closed-loop optogenetics to uncover crucial nodes in the nervous system that enable the flexible binding of cross-modality and cross-region synchronization at fast timescales during behavior. These disruption experiments will also be accompanied by behavioral manipulations.
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