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Synaptic organisation and behaviour-dependent activity of mGluR8a-innervated GABAergic trilaminar cells projecting from the hippocampus to the subiculum

Linda Katona, Katja Hartwich, Ryohei Tomioka, Jozsef Somogyi, J. David B. Roberts, Kristina Wagner, Abhilasha Joshi, Thomas Klausberger, Kathleen S. Rockland & Peter Somogyi

Brain, Structure and Function
Changing phase relationship of the stepping rhythm to neuronal oscillatory theta activity in the septo-hippocampal network of mice. Brain, Structure and Function

Abhilasha Joshi and Peter Somogyi

Brain, Structure and Function
GABAergic medial septal neurons with low-rhythmic firing innervate the dentate gyrus and hippocampal area CA3

Minas Salib, Abhilasha Joshi, Linda Katona, Michael Howarth, Benjamin R Micklem, Peter Somogyi, Tim J Viney

Journal of Neuroscience
Shared rhythmic subcortical GABAergic input to the entorhinal cortex and presubiculum

Tim James Viney, Minas Salib, Abhilasha Joshi, Gunes Unal, Naomi Berry, and Peter Somogyi

Behavior-Dependent Activity and Synaptic Organization of Septo-hippocampal GABAergic Neurons Selectively Targeting the Hippocampal CA3 Area

Abhilasha Joshi, Minas Salib, Tim James Viney, David Dupret, and Peter Somogyi
